My phone felt into the river last week, so I couldn’t take that much pictures anymore. We are owning a prisma lense, Spiegelreflex Camera but this one, we rare carry with us and she also has already some senility. Slowly i reach the then goal, surfing less the internet with my phone, although I don’t like it not anymore.
Great pics can be taken with this cam and look! My Chia is growing! I am looking forward to harvest and regrow them.
I tried for the first time to bake a bread over here without a oven. Everything is possible I have to say, the bread was awesome and in a few minutes gone! Maybe the taste was stunning because the sorghum Ida hand grounded with our new coffee grinder. Unfortunate my pot didn’t survive this experiment, for me it was worth it, not so for Jo. but now he got a new job, plant pot. I’m sure the pot doesn’t mind.
We spent some more time on our Land last week. Jo smashed down all the bushes almost all over our land with 4 woman in a whole day. Since then we have a look through and ideas grow where to build and plant. Less trees might be also a reason for the inventiveness. Jo extra bought a machine to cut this beautiful creatures, cause for planting you need light, so they had to die. so sad. 4 from 50, the rest will stay and we will adjust our garden to them. Anyway we have to take care now of a whole bunch of biomass.
The sawing machine broke down after 4 days only. We bought them in Bandar Lampung, not that close to fix or exchange it as quick we would like to. This kind of obstacles getting more and more. But what to do, if you make a problem out of it you will have stress. So better take it easy and use the energy to find solutions or other ways. This I think makes life more livable.
That’s our biggest issue, over years our neighbors dropped their rubbish here, but not only their wrapping also cow manure and wood scraps. Sooo fertile soil! We wanna separate it from the plastic, what a endeavor cause its a mountain. And what we are going to do with all the rubbish? For that we have a nice idea, we wanna fill milk boxes and use them to build walls for a house (we already informed some places to collect this boxes for us and we got our first 100 together). But after 2 days picking junk from our land and pushing them into this milk boxes I figured out, that we will need a lot more waste like our land will provide. But no worry here is no one else collecting trash, so we will find a way.
We not only worked on our land last week, we also went surfing. I have surfed our home break again and I realized I get more relaxed in here and go for more waves (when it is small). But somehow I am to slow or the waves are to fast for me so that day we moved to Tanjung Setia for a other session. Over there it was way smaller and I actually didn’t want to go again, but Jo convinced me. During I surfed our kids had loads of fun playing with this skateboard.
And then our avocado tree in front of our rented house was harvest. 5 big bags full of beautiful shaped untreated avocados. Jo helped out so we got some as well. Unfortunate they didn’t listen to Jo during harvest, so one fell unlucky and made a wonderful bump in his new motorbike. He was pretty upset and tried to get the bump out the rest of the day.
During checking the waves in Mandiri we met this surfed out boys. As we know Jo loves to talk, so he ended up pritty fast laughing loudly with the boys about surf stories.
And then he came home with some new chicken. This time he bought a mom with 6 kids and another adult chicken. Lets see how long they will last for this time. I really hope one day I can eat my first self collected eggs. The kids are more then happy to have some new playmates and hunt them every day for hugging. They get each day better and faster in catching or do the chicks get used to it? In any case we have a new morning ritual: getting up early and feed and free our animals.
Slow but sure we arrive and get used to our new environment. I am still excited and totally in love with that place but Jo’s excitement is limited. He miss the easy going life of Bali. I really hope its just a questions of time until he adapt and get used to it. The future will show it.
What do you think?