Well, the flow of live was successful. Already 2 days after leaving there were no worries and no thoughts of regret left which I had described in my last blog. Instead we discovered something new that we all could smell. The Sense of freedom and independence that arises when one has got everything that is needed, one can stop where it is interesting and one can do what is wanted. And we did all this…
We simply stopped after a couple of kilometers at Medewi, just after I indulged in western food and we collected a couple of seeds from the perma garden. Unfortunately, Medewi offered not just waves but also rain and we had the chance to test whether our “house” was waterproof. Well we all stayed dry except Ela. It was hard to tell whether it was just condensation that ran down on her side of the mattress or whether the window was just not water-proof. Anyway, we were all pleased that the sun came out the next day (at first it didn’t seem like it) and we could get everything dry.
From Medewi we continued to Pulau Merah, Red Island. On the way we stopped at a friend’s place from Jo and we got the exhaust checked. It did smell quite a bit at the back of the car during each drive. After 2 hours of welding on the exhaust and EUR 5 lighter we could take the short drive down to the sea. For the first time we were able to lie down during the drive.
At first I was shocked as we arrived. Last time I was there, there was nothing and today all was packed with the parasols and sunbeds. Nevertheless, it was still beautiful and during my morning jog I could enjoy the loneliness. During a short trip to the other end of the bay I was appalled to see the impact of the mining. I did think it was further away and I was now even happier that we did not buy the land there although it is very beautiful. Environmental protection and the controlling of such is here a rather small topic and as money is ruling the world and my trust has rather minimized it is not far away thinking that all here is slightly dodgy…
We spend two days at the dream beach and Jo got bored of lazing around so we packed up and left towards Malang to his family. It started to turn into a night trip, as we spend the day at the garage to change the injector nozzles. Jo has got a very good sense for machinery; unfortunately, he forgot to check the cool water due to his tiredness. Although, we made it to Melang we did have to go to a garage again. But it is fine, as we are planning to spend a couple of days here and the grandmas and our hips are also looking forward to this visit…
What do you think?