Sooo much happened last week it feels like 2..
We made it or actually Moggel got us all plus our stuff safe over here. We were shaking and sweating but we done it. The mountains through the Rainforest were our last big worry from our journey down here to Way Jambu. But Jo managed to bring up our car in the first gear the long steep hill with me in the back shivering and admiring the view.
And then we were suddenly over there, faster than we expected. It was still light when we arrived in our village and every one was looking who is coming.
Our arrival also made the round fast and half of the Village came over to see who arrived and wanted to say hello to the strangers. With their help we unload pretty fast our roof which we storaged in our rented house. After seeing it and less sleep from the last night, we decided to move on and spent the first night in a friend’s place in next bay.
Our house is kind of Indo style. It has a roof, some walls and even a concrete floor. That’s enough so far until we know if we gonna stay. For me it’s christal clear and the kids already fall in love with the life and all this neighbour kids.
Kitchen and Bathroom will most westerners scare off, but where fire is preparing food there is a black wall. And why they should invest into it, when it got dirty all over again? Indonesian people are more actically priced than into beauty.
Thanks to our brought pump, we always can catch water in our huge Indonesian basin and don’t have to use the well all the time. The power situation also changed so I’m a bit sad that I didn’t bring my blender. But that’s what I wanted, the real and pure Indolife. Now I have it almost beside the power.
The surrounding is just a dream and any time bad vibes coming up, I go to the beach and it’s gone. Not so many reasons to go there anyway. The sun is shining, it just doesn’t feel like in the rainy season so far.
We have done a little excursion to the Bali Village close by. Looks like we will go there, anytime we miss Bali. Hope this will not happen to often.
First adjustments at our new house started already. Nothing big, but they carted sand and riff from the beach.
During a walk over our land we found out that cyclon Dahlia left traces. An other half Meter gone, if this going on like the last 3years, our land will be vanished in 40 years. But such a beautiful playground.
Surprisingly there more shopping options than expected. Every day there is a market, you just have to know where to go on what day. There is always traveling involved but at least you can get almost all what Bali local markets offering. Since we took out all our stuff from the car and didn’t get a motorbike jet, we all have to sit together in the front. Nice and cosy.
The kids feel so save here, they play for hours somewhere in and around the Village. Ida alread learned something from there new friends and is willingly sharing it with me. Here she shows me a old fruit with edible cores.
And that’s the way our last week past by, full with adaptations, food preparing, unpack our things, storage them, changing around, sweeping, reading to the kids, sweating, getting water from the well, washing our cloth by hand, fire making, checking our Land, going to the beach and checking the waves.
Just as I imagined only more beautiful..
(translated by myself)
December 10, 2017Euh das hast Du wieder schön geschrieben, musste sogar ein Fremdwort nachgoogeln, was ich nicht kannte.
wir wünschen, dass Ihr alle dort glücklich werdet und Eure Träume verwirklichen könnt.
December 10, 2017Hallo Conny, hier ist Gabi aus Eibenstock. Mit viel Interesse verfolge ich deinen Blog zu eurer Unternehmung “Neubeginn”. Es war bisher spannend euren Weg bis ans Ziel zu verfolgen. Ich wünsche euch in allem was ihr erreichen wollt und für alles was noch kommt Erfolg, bleibt gesund und passt auf euch auf. Grüßt die Mädels von uns. Vielleicht kann sich Ida noch an uns erinnern, Ela war noch zu klein, als wir euch mal im Winterurlaub in Oberwiesenthal besucht haben. Liebe Grüße aus dem kalten und verschneiten Erzgebirge von Gabi und Wolfgang