Today I am writing to you in a house of a Universe College of Jo. Our Plans were different, we supposed to be in Bandar Lampung, but made it only 40km far away from Jakarta from our last station.
Yesterday evening we left and have been ready to finally set over to Sumatra. But instead a cable stewed through and stopped us on the Highway around 23.30 o´clock. We got towed away and had our most evel night during the whole journey. Tons of mosquitoes and crazy noises didn´t let us sleep at all. But I´m more than glad for the compulsory break, cause forces of nature are making trouble.
If we would have continued we would have been surprised by this. The harbor had been shut down all ready, so we would have been cling tight on land with this kind of dangerous weather. Cyclone Dahlia rages between Java and Sumatra. I got the pic from the FB Page from the harbor.
The kids slept in the whole adventure. They had been tired after playing the whole day with the Kids of Jo´s brother.
The days before had been similar, the kids had a lot of fun playing at home and clamor like crazy. Heavy rains forced us to stay in the house anyway, so it wasn’t a big deal. Besides we made the experience of severe congestion, Jakarta between 3 and 8 pm by car, it´s a NO GO, believe me, we have been in there for 4hours.
One day we dared us out again. Lucky us not much rain or jam at all. We went to the president palace in Bogor and had a look at the surrounded botanical garden.
The journey was it definitely worth to go. We didn’t took only nice pictures we also got some seeds and very good books! Our plant collection is growing, and hopefully we will get them all safe to their new home.
The huge trees in the botanical garden in contrast to the huge buildings, we has seen in Jakarta a few days before, let us respire again. Between all this old enormous creatures we found a mystic in the air which let us spent some wonderful peaceful hours over there, far away from AC and people. Cheerful.
But the greatest by the past by week has been Ida´s milk tooth loss. The adult teeth is sitting already for a while there but now its space for them. Such a strange moment, her entrance to the adult world. Mixed feelings came up from pride fullness over fear and admiration to joy.
And now we sit here and wait in Tangerang. Hopefully the Cyclone will fast pass by so we can continue our traveling and finally put our fingers in our land.
(translated by myself)
December 28, 2017Amazing people and place in Sumatra
Score 10 out of 10 🙏🏼😊