Another week has passed and our car is finally ready. It took us more time than anticipated; hence, we are slightly behind.
At the moment the volcano is also putting a little pressure on us. As he is brewing something up and the evacuation areas are being extended every day. Furthermore, the level of an eruption is rising (there are some people saying that the lava has already left the volcano yesterday evening).
We are lucky to be enough far away should Mount Agung decide to erupt but close enough that we would not be able to leave the house without a mask because of the ash cloud.
Hence, it is best to depart quickly, but it is as it is and it stays exciting.
Additionally, one of my friends has come over to Bali for a visit and thanks to our delayed departure we were able to meet. She had stayed at one of the evacuated places and took the following picture…
We went to Kerobokan and Seminyak with her last night. For me it was the first time since years that I went back there and I was blinded by all the lights, glamour and the crowds on the streets. Jo on the other hand rather enjoyed whole the vibe around him. I believe that he will miss this.
Let’s see how long he can handle without the hustle and bustle and how long the dark, starry, silent nights keep up his enthusiasms – he does recall them from his childhood memories.
Anyway, we end it up at the Surfcamp where it all began for me as a guest in 2005.
8 month later I returned started my 5 months internship. I simply could not leave as it became too easy just to stay.
It was indeed strange to be back at one their camp parties after four years. Very emotional but not in a bad way, so much has changed and yet nothing at all. I felt quite nostalgic and whistfully – I have worked there for almost 7 years and I always knew I DO WHAT I LOVE…
Whether, our plans for Way Jambu will manifest the same conscious mind, only time will tell.
But I am with good hope and joyful prospects to get this feeling of doing exactly the right thing. In this spirit, 7 days to go…
What do you think?