After spending the last three evenings the Ombak Bali, a surf film festival, I finally found some time to review the past week…
Driving lesson
Jo found a couple of people who were willing to buy our self-made furniture. As they didn’t have a car, I was choosen to drive our Moggel ( Ida picked the name) for the first time and drop of the furniture. At first I felt a little yellow, because I had not driven a car for so long. But in the end Moggel was quite easy on me and I felt happy as a clam. Old cars simply offer something that new cars never are able to…
The Rigging
After this was done, Jo brought the car to the welder. Moggel is getting two roof racks, so we can stash away more stuff. With that we have put a hold on to the refurbishment of the interior as well as the transport of packed boxes. Well it is as it is.
Ombak Bali
At first I did not want to go as I am not a big fan of crowds but then Jo convinced me somehow. The first evening was amazing and in the end we went the following evenings as well. There were quite some pieces of art to see. Additionally, I was astonished to see the packaging of the popcorn. Wonders do happen, see for yourselves:
The Route
Last but not least I have uploaded a foto of our tour to Krui. Planed stops are Malang, Yogjakarta, Bandung and Jakarta. More will follow another time.
What do you think?